The employment support supplement is a variant of unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end.
Employment support supplement will be granted to people who meet the following requirements:
- Part-time workers who:
- Have fully used up their contributory benefit within the last six months.
- Are registered as jobseekers.
- People who start working (on a full- or part-time basis) while in receipt of unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end will start to receive the supplement instead of the benefit they were previously receiving.
This supplement may be paid for a maximum of 180 days.
All employment support supplement applicants must apply for unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end.
– Registration in the municipal register: Yes.
– Legal residence: Applicants must reside legally in Spain when submitting the application.
– Required documentation:
- Spanish citizens: Spanish national identity document (DNI) or passport.
- EU citizens residing in Spain: Certificate of registration as an EU national showing their identity number for foreign nationals (NIE), along with their passport or identity document from their country of origin.
- Other foreigners residing in Spain: Identity card for foreign nationals (TIE) containing the person's identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) and passport number.
– Employment status:
The employment support supplement will be granted to:
- Part-time workers whose contributory benefit has come to an end within the last six months.
- People in receipt of unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end who start working on an employed basis (whether full- or part-time).
In the case of part-time workers, the total number of hours worked must be less than the number of hours constituting full-time work.
Applicants must be registered as jobseekers and have entered into an activity agreement with the public employment services as an incentive to find work.
Applicants must meet the following requirements regarding contributory benefit:
- They must not be eligible for contributory benefit.
- Their contributory benefit must have ended within the last six months:
- People aged 45 or over: Their contributory benefit lasting 120 days or longer must have ended.
- People under 45 with no family responsibilities: Their contributory benefit lasting 360 days or longer must have ended.
– Income:
- People without family responsibilities: Their monthly income must not exceed €888 (75% of the national minimum wage (SMI*)) in the calendar month immediately preceding the month in which they applied for initial registration or for any extensions or renewals of the benefit.
- People with family responsibilities: These are people who are responsible for their spouse or for a child under 26 years of age or an older child with a disability or for foster children who are still minors. The total household income in the calendar month immediately preceding the date of the application, divided by the number of people in the household, may not be more than €888 (75% of the national minimum wage).
Income table:
Familiy unit | Income / month | Income / year |
Una persona | € 888 | € 10.656 |
Dues persones | € 1.776 | € 21.312 |
Tres persones | € 2.664 | € 31.968 |
Quatre persones | € 3.552 | € 42.624 |
(*) The proportional part of two extra payments (national minimum wage for 2025) is excluded in all cases.
–Recognised disability: –
–Victim of domestic violence:
-Housing situation: –
People in the following situations are not eligible for the supplement:
▪ Self-employed people.
▪ Those in receipt of contributory benefit.
▪ Employed people, unless they are employed on a part-time basis and they have applied for in-work benefits, in which case the amount of the benefit will be reduced pro rata to the amount of time worked.
Amount and frequency:
The aim of the employment support supplement is to encourage people to go back to work in the first few months of unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end by means of a gradually decreasing monthly payment for up to six months.
The amount of employment support supplement to be paid will be established each quarter based on the number of working hours agreed at the start of the in-work benefit period and the number of quarters (including the current one) during which the person has been receiving the support supplement since the start of the benefit, as per the following table:
Number of quarters (including the current one) during which the recipient has been receiving the employment support supplement since the start of the benefit | Employment support supplement. Full-time employment (up to 80% of the Multiple-Effect Public Income Indicator (IPREM)) |
Employment support supplement. Part-time employment >75% of full-time work (up to 75% of the Multiple-Effect Public Income Indicator (IPREM)) |
Employment support supplement. Part-time employment <75% and >50% of full-time work (up to 70% of the Multiple-Effect Public Income Indicator (IPREM)) |
Employment support supplement. Part-time employment <50% of full-time work (up to 60% of the Multiple-Effect Public Income Indicator (IPREM)) |
1 | € 480 | € 450 | € 420 | € 360 |
2 | € 360 | € 300 | € 270 | € 240 |
3 | € 240 | € 210 | € 180 | € 150 |
4 | € 180 | € 150 | € 120 | € 90 |
5 and following quarters | € 120 | € 90 | € 60 | € 30 |
Maximum duration of the employment support supplement: Up to 180 days (and limited to the duration of the contract from which it arose or the number of days of the maximum duration of the recognised benefit still remaining).
- Employment support supplement applicants must apply for unemployment benefit for those whose contributory benefit has come to an end.
- Applications for initial registration for the benefit must be made within six months after the date on which the contributory benefit ended.
- For applications made within 15 working days following the date on which the contributory benefit came to an end, the benefit will apply from the day immediately after that on which the contributory benefit ended.
- For applications made outside this 15-day period but within six months after the end of the contributory benefit, the entitlement will remain valid on the date of the application, and no days will be deducted.